I attended an interesting Ohio Environmental Professional Network breakfast meeting this morning, at Ohio State University. It featured a great presentation by Jason Ward, host of the Birds of North America video series on YouTube. Jason will be speaking and presenting some video excerpts of his shows tonight at OSU - details here: https://epn.osu.edu/https%3A/epn.osu.edu/events/calendar/environmental-film-series
He'll lead a bird walk tomorrow at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center in Columbus, starting at 8 am. The talk is free and open to the public, and tomorrow's walk is available for a nominal fee ($10 - $25; see comment in comments section). You should go. It's encouraging to hear positives about increasing the ranks of birders, and by extension, conservationists.
This photo courtesy Duane Gandelot, from this morning's event. L to R: Jason Ward, Jim McCormac, Nicole Jackson (EPN program coordinator), Anna Rose (Central Ohio Young Birders Club Adviser), Jeff Sharp (Director, School of Environment and Natural Resources), and Joe Campbell (EPN Director).He'll lead a bird walk tomorrow at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center in Columbus, starting at 8 am. The talk is free and open to the public, and tomorrow's walk is available for a nominal fee ($10 - $25; see comment in comments section). You should go. It's encouraging to hear positives about increasing the ranks of birders, and by extension, conservationists.