A great egret displays its aigrette feathers - the showy plumage that nearly led to its demise.
I'm giving a free program this Thursday evening, commencing at 7 pm, at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center in Columbus, at 505 West Whittier Street. All are welcome. The talk is entitled Bird Conservation: Ups and Downs, and will be an Ohio-centric look at some of the winners and losers, why species have plummeted or increased, and some of the ongoing challenging conservation issues. Lushly illustrated with imagery, of course.
Speaking of images, I have a gallery of 30 bird images opening in the Audubon Center that very evening. Please feel free to come early if you'd like to peruse them. The gallery features photos taken throughout eastern North America, and each one is accompanied by a brief description about the bird. Doors open at 5:30 pm.
Registration is required, but it's easy and free. Here's a link to the Audubon Center and more information, and registration info: http://grange.audubon.org/events/art-audubon-artist-reception-and-talk-featuring-artist-jim-mccormac
A worm-eating warbler scans a wooded slope in southern Ohio's Shawnee State Forest.